Court-Ordered Community Service


Recovery Resource Council’s Community Restitution Program provides a convenient way to earn needed service course through the selection and completion of various service projects.


  • Select any combination of projects necessary to complete the number of hours you need. Each project may be completed only once. The maximum possible credit hours that can be earned for each project is shown. Maximum credit is given only to projects completed as explained. To ensure you receive enough credit hours, it is recommended that you complete a little more work than needed. Carefully read each project’s instructions before you begin.
  • All reports must be typewritten. A “typewritten page” is defined as an 8½” x 11″ page with margins of 1″ on all sides, 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced. Projects not formatted in this manner will not receive full credit.
  • Do Not Plagiarize. Credit will not be given for projects containing “cut & pasted” information. Projects are electronically checked for originality.
  • An administrative fee of $3 per mandated hour is assessed for participation in this program. (Example: 8 hours – $24; 12 hours – $36) The fee can be paid online and is due when the completed projects are submitted for consideration.
  • Once you have completed your projects you will email them to: along with a sign in sheet that can be found HERE. Completed projects are turned in to the Council for review — not the courts.
  • Then you can make your payment through our Recovery Resource Council website by clicking HERE.
  • Upon review, you will be given a certificate of completion via email to be taken back to the court / judge.
  1. Complete project based on instructions and turn in to the council for review
  1. Email Maritza Ibanez along with a sign in sheet
  1. Make your payment though the Recovery Resource Council’s payment portal

Project Options

Returning home from the grocery store, one of your parents is hit and killed by a drunk driver, who was cruising around after a party. The 19-year-old driver is subsequently found guilty of vehicular manslaughter.

Type a letter, which will be read to the judge and jury at the sentencing phase of the trial. Explain the impact this event has had, and will have, on the rest of your life. Suggest to the jury an appropriate sentence which you would be satisfied seeing the driver receive.

Format: 1 page, typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name.

Total Hours: 1hr.

Sean Carter and his mom Jenny have a non-profit they call, “When Sean Speaks, Inc.” Their mission is to fundamentally improve the lives of people impacted by traumatic brain injuries through public awareness, education and research. Research Sean’s life and write an essay based on what you find. Your essay must address the following key points:

  • Discuss the accident
  • Discuss Sean’s road to recovery
  • What consequences did the driver face
  • Include details you learned about the non-profit
  • Include details you learned about Sean’s brain injury

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name. Include a work cited page.

Total Hours:
2 pages= 2 hours
3 pages= 3 hours
4 pages= 4 hours

Using the Internet, find 50 facts concerning alcohol abuse that do not appear within the Council’s website. The facts must be written in complete thoughts or sentences. After each fact, provide the source’s URL. In order to receive full credit you must have at least 5 different sources.

Format: Typed, size 12 font, title and name included.

Total Hours:
25 facts= 1 hour
50 facts= 2 hours

Prepare a report examining the consequences of a first-time DWI conviction for an adult, 22 years of age (Class B Misdemeanor). The report must examine the consequences of receiving a DWI conviction in the State of Texas. List the source for all quotes/ information obtained.
To receive full credit for this project, it must contain details for each of these possible consequences:

  1. Bail Bondsman’s Fee
  2. Towing of Auto / Daily Impound Fee(s)
  3. Attorney Fees – 2 quotes from 2 attorneys: a. quote for handling a plea agreement b. quote for handling a full trial
  4. Court Costs
  5. Monetary Fine (range of possible amount)
  6. Community Service Hours (possible range)
  7. Jail Sentence (possible range)
  8. Driver License-Related Consequences a. length of mandatory suspension b. license reinstatement fee
  9. DWI Surcharge
  10. Ignition Interlock Device
  11. Probation-Related Consequences a. monthly reporting fee b. possible range of months sentenced
  12. Drug & Alcohol Education Class (tuition)
  13. MADD Victims Impact Panel (attendance fee)
  14. Court-Ordered Drug / Alcohol Evaluation (assessment fee)
  15. Auto Insurance Obtain rate quotes for a 12-month, full coverage auto insurance policy (liability and collision coverage with state minimums) for a 22 year-old driver in Dallas. Pick any make and model of car. From two different insurance companies (1 and 2), obtain: a1, a2. rate with clean driving record b1, b2. rate with first-time DWI conviction c1, c2. How long will this DWI conviction affect premiums?

Format: Typed, size 12 font, title and your name. Include a work cited page.

Total Hours: 5 hours

How does alcohol affect the human body? Research, then prepare an original essay explaining alcohol’s effect on the human body, citing all sources used. Your essay must address the following key points.

  • Definition of alcohol
  • How, and at what rate the body metabolizes alcohol
  • Explain blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • Factors that influence a person’s BAC
  • Short- & long-term effects of alcohol consumption
  • Discuss 3 different myths of how a person can get alcohol out of their system more quickly in an effort to become sober.

Format: Typed, size 12 font, single spaced with title and your name. Include a work cited page.

Total Hours:
2 pages= 2 hours
3 pages= 3 hours
4 pages= 4 hours

Can a person die from drinking too much alcohol? Research, then prepare an original essay on alcohol poisoning, citing all sources used. Your report must include the following key points:

  • Define alcohol poisoning
  • Explain blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • Discuss “standard” drink sizes in the U.S.
  • Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning
  • How can you help someone you think has alcohol poisoning?

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name. Include a work cited page.

Total Hours:
2 pages= 2 hours
3 pages= 3 hours
4 pages= 4 hours

Follow the link below to our Prevention Resource Center’s YouTube page:

Watch any of the videos listed below and write a summary about your thoughts and what you learned. Each video listed has a pretest and posttest. In order to receive full credit, you must submit both by scanning the QR code on your phone or following the link provided.

  • “Tobacco- The Bottom Line” video
    Pretest, posttest, 1 page summary= 2 hours
    Pretest, posttest, 2 page summary= 3 hours
  • “Big Tobacco Marketing” video
    Pretest, posttest, 1 page summary= 2 hours
    Pretest, posttest, 2 page summary= 3 hours
  • “E-Cigarettes: The Bottom Line” video
    Pretest, posttest, 1 page summary= 2 hours
    Pretest, posttest, 2 page summary= 3 hours

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name. Include a work cited page.

Follow the link below to the “Tx Say What” website and complete the History of Tobacco training module. Write an essay over what you learned from the training and what you learned about the “Say What” program. In order to receive full credit, you must submit your certificate of completion. Without the certificate, no credit will be issued.

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name.

Total Hours:
Certificate and 1 page summary= 3 hours
Certificate and 2 page summary= 4 hours

Create a short 3- 5-minute PSA (public service announcement) about the dangers of drinking and driving. Pretend your audience is a group of teens from a local high school. How would you explain the dangers of drunk driving? What advice would you give them before driving intoxicated or getting in a car with someone who has been drinking?

In order to receive full credit, the video must be recorded by only the individual completing community service. The length of the video must be at least 3 minutes. Be creative and provide a list of any sources used. *Your video will only be viewed by RRC staff and will not be shared without your consent.

Total Hours: 3 Hours

CLICK HERE to read about how the teen brain works and how using drugs can affect it. After you have read the article, complete the worksheet HERE.

In order to receive full credit you must get 8 of the 10 questions correct or you will be asked to make corrections so make sure you read the article carefully.

Total Hours: 1 Hour

Below you will find links to 4 different vocabulary lists. Choose 1 list and write a 2-page minimum story of your own using at least 10 of the vocabulary words. Please bold or underline each word you use. Be creative!


  • Create a story about attending a birthday party for a friend where drugs, alcohol or nicotine was present.
  • Pretend you are a professor at a college, and you are teaching about the dangers of the substances listed on the vocabulary list.

Drugs and the Teen Brain
A Dangerous Mix
How Nicotine Affects the Teen Brain
E-Cigarettes: A Dangerous Trend

Total Hours: 2 Hours
*You can complete up to 4 vocabulary lists for a total of up to 8 hours, but each list requires its own 2-page essay.

Attend an open AA meeting within your community. The meeting must be an open meeting. Write a 3-page essay which provides basic information about Alcoholics Anonymous and gives specific details about your experience. Include the following info in your essay:

  • How did you find this AA meeting?
  • Explain the importance of “Anonymous” in AA
  • According to AA, how is an alcoholic cured?
  • Is AA a religious organization?
  • Explain the importance of the “Twelve Steps and Traditions.”
  • Who sponsors/ runs AA?
  • Explain the fees for membership, meeting dues, and how AA is funded.
  • What did you learn, gain, or come away with by attending this meeting?
  • Include what location and time you attended this meeting.

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name.

Total Hours: 5 hours

Alcohol, tobacco and even references to drugs are often found in the music we hear on the radio today. Listen or find the lyrics to your top 3 favorite songs and see if you hear any of those references. Write a 1-page summary about your findings. Include the following:

  • Name and artist of each song you listened to.
  • If you find any references to alcohol, tobacco or drugs include the lyric(s).
  • What kind of message is being delivered about alcohol, tobacco and/ or drugs through these lyrics?
  • Did you notice these references prior to looking for them?
  • How might the words of these songs influence youth and/or adults when they’re making decisions related to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs?
  • How do you feel now that your attention has been brought to this matter?

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and your name

Total Hours: 2 hours

Research a celebrity who has died as a result of alcohol or other drugs. Write a 2-4 page essay about their life and what you found. Include the following:

  • Who is the celebrity and what are they known for?
  • Brief summary of their life
  • Did they have a history of alcohol or drugs? If so, explain.
  • Provide 2-3 facts or statistics you found on this particular substance that you didn’t know prior to your research.
  • What kind of impact did this have on family, friends and fans?
  • What message does their experience send to you?

Format: Typed, size 12 font, double spaced with title and you name. Include a work cited page.

Total Hours:
2 pages= 2 hours
3 pages= 3 hours
4 pages= 4 hours

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